As of July 9, 2021, the Mentor Discount Card is officially active again, and mentors and mentees may now use the card together to receive the discounts listed in the current directory below! Please be patient with businesses as they are also dealing with the effects of the pandemic, staff turnover etc. If you do experience an issue with receiving a discount, please be patient with their staff and contact [email protected] so we can follow up with the business directly to resolve the problem. We are so grateful for all of our Discount Card sponsors who are continuing to offer discounts to benefit mentoring in their communities. To get a Discount Card, contact your mentoring program. All discounts are only applicable if both the mentor and mentee are present.
Use the filters to narrow your search and then view results below. The full list of discount opportunities is available when no filter options are selected.
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Free martial arts drop-in classes Teens: Monday and Thursday at 5:30pm & Children (7-12): Tuesday and Wednesday at 4:00pm and Saturday at 9:00am
50% off meal (cannot be used for take-out orders or alcohol), when the mentor and mentee are both present. Does not apply to groups unless authorized by a manager.
10% off purchases for both.
Free factory tours for both.
Half price lift tickets and rentals for both.
Buy one bagel with cream cheese, get a second of equal or lesser value free.
Free Skating and Rentals for Mentee.
$2 admission price for both.
20% off admission for both mentor and mentee. Cannot be combined with other offers/discounts.
Youth day pass for those under the age of 18 ($10 daily). If the accompany adult is here as a mentor to the youth, only the youth will be charged—not the adult. It is our expectation and policy that the mentor remains with the youth throughout their visit.
10% off entire order (they only do takeout now), inform of mentor pair when ordering, show discount card when picking up
Purchase one Pico Mountain lift ticket, get one free.
Buy one hot chocolate, get the second one free!
2 for 1 paddle rentals on any paddle craft (kayak, canoe, SUP) or 50% off the rental of one tandem craft (double kayak or canoe). Rentals are limited to 2 hours. Must contact in advance and have all safety waivers (with parent or legal guardian signatures) must be completed.
Skating with rentals. $3 for the mentee, $4 for the mentor.
50% off bike rentals for mentor and mentee, preferably mid-week rather than weekends (and does not apply to e-bikes). Making a reservation in advance is highly recommended. Use the code MENTOR to receive the discount online.
$2 off day pass (listed price for admission), $1 off per item of gear rentals, excludes the $10 pass. Kids pass is for kids age 7 and under.
All mentees qualify for the Everybody Bikes Program, which offers 50% off all bikes up to $400, 50% off service, and 35% off all parts and accessories. Mentees are also eligible for Youth Shop.
50% off rentals of kayaks and paddleboards at Oakledge Park and North Beach in Burlington.
Free climbing gear rentals for both. Free climbing for mentor.
Free access to the property for general public
15% off the total trail fee and rentals price for mentor & mentee
Half price tickets for mentors, free tickets for mentees. Call Box Office: 654- 2617.
Free admission for both. First come, first served.
Free general admission entrance all year round for both (does not include special events)
Buy one lift ticket, get second of equal or lesser value free. Discount does not apply during holidays and blackout dates.
Buy one entree, get a second one of equal or lesser value free.
20% off all programs for both. This includes performances, events, exhibits, classes, workshops, and camps.
$5.00 per game, shoe rental complimentary. Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm. Not valid for groups.
Half price sessions for both mentor and mentee ($5.00/each for two hours)
Free admission for both. Includes the Bellows Falls Fish Ladder. $5 each to the Fairy House Festival (last weekend of September).
Free tickets for both mentor and mentee to: Women’s hockey, Women’s basketball, Men’s soccer, Women’s soccer
Main Stage Productions: $8 each. Festival of One Acts: free for both.
Access to Mitchell Therapy Pool during open swim. $6.30 for mentee, no charge for mentor.
Free admission to the Vermont History Museum for both mentor and mentee.