MENTOR Vermont Discount Card > Camp DREAM

Discount offered: Weeding, clearing trails, facility maintenance, construction...

- Active/Healthy Option

The DREAM Program is seeking groups and individuals interested in volunteering a day at their rustic, 54-acre Camp property. Camp DREAM welcomes all abilities and skills.

Camp is ever growing. Volunteer efforts provide the lifeblood of its expansion and development. There is always work to be done whether it be weeding and clearing trails or conducting facility maintenance and new construction. Dedicated volunteers have helped guide our property to where it stands today.

Camp provides a place for our youth, mentors, staff and friends to challenge themselves, learn and create adventure. It offers free summer programming to youth while their college mentors are away, and provides winter adventure programming when their schools are out of session. In between, Camp exists as a resource for all manner of activities and excitement.

If your group is interested in a meaningful volunteer day in the great outdoors. please don’t hesitate in reaching out. We can surely find a match of projects for your crew.

Interested groups may contact [email protected]